In case you are unaware, for many of us now, working remotely or ‘offsite’ is made possible by working in the cloud. The tools that enable us to be effective in this work are SaaS or Software as a Solution which is essentially the distribution model of internet hosted applications which are used on a subscription model.
What are the benefits of SaaS?
SaaS offers many potential advantages over the traditional models of business software installation – trialling, buying, installing, licensing and updating.
Some of the advantages are:
- Lower up-front cost – SaaS is normally subscription-based and has no up-front licence fees resulting in lower initial costs and ease of adoption.
- Quick set up and deployment – SaaS application is already installed and configured in the cloud.
- Easy upgrades – The SaaS providers deal with hardware and software updates, deploying upgrades centrally to the hosted applications and removing this workload and responsibility from you.
- Accessibility – All you need is a browser and an internet connection. This is generally available on a wide range of devices and from anywhere in the world, making SaaS more accessible than the traditional business software installation.
- Scalability – SaaS providers generally offer many subscription options and flexibility to change subscriptions as and when needed.
There are some disadvantages for sure – no access if network coverage is poor, slower speeds than installed software but the biggest gripe I hear is the lack of ownership and the perceived passing of oftentimes sensitive information to the control of others.
What happens to my data if I end my subscription? Who owns the information? Will my client data be secure?
These are valid questions especially in light of recent data breaches and security issues globally. The reply we give is double edged, lesser of two evils really.
You need this particular software and the options are:
- Cloud access – outbound traffic from devices, desktops, mobile etc to a portion of your business information that enables operations
- Internal hosting on servers – inbound traffic through a VPN from the same mobile devices but also opening up the risk of accessibility to all other business information hosted on the same servers by hackers.
We always prefer Option 1 and that’s without going into the cost considerations of internal network, bandwidth, IT services etc.
The norm in software is becoming SaaS for most operational management, which is why we refer to it as Software as a Solution (SaaSaaS is a bit longwinded).
SaaS offers many potential advantages over the traditional models of business software installation Share on XFinding the right software to provide you with the solution comes from identifying the requirements and needs of your business first. That is where we come into the picture. We can help you find the right fit, chose your SaaS solution and develop the system to work for you.
Get in touch with us for more information or to set up a meeting.