I’ve been lucky this year. Luckier than most, maybe, in that despite all the covid compliance and restrictions I’ve been able to find work.

I left my role with an events company in February as I felt we had hit a wall and despite my best efforts and plans, longterm it wasn’t likely to work out.
A few weeks at home competing my PMP studies and regathering myself, reevaluating my goals, and I landed work in films.
I’m not engaged as a PM (though those skills do help) I’m learning new skills as a Lighting Technician. To a degree, following the footsteps my father and (younger) brother left before me.
Film work is interesting. Challenging. Educational.
Already I’ve found myself trying to figure out angles, light effects, why filters & gels are used; bounce, negging, flags and floppies. I’m being sucked into wanting more, learning more and looking to grow more.

Is that a bad thing?
I don’t think so. At the very least it leaves me with an opportunity to follow if my other plans for 2022 and beyond fail to develop.
For now, I’ll be sticking with “lights, camera up, ACTION” and see what interesting locations the film work will bring me to.